Update Schedule


This method has been replaced with Update Schedule, and will be removed on June 30, 2025.

Updates a resource's schedule

To update a resource's schedule to remove business hours and add custom hours:

  • Update the resource's schedule to remove the business's scheduleId from the availability.linkedSchedules array.
  • Create a set of recurring sessions of type "WORKING_HOURS" to define the resource's new hours.

To update a resource's schedule to add default business hours, and keep or remove custom hours:

  • Update the resource's schedule to add the business resource's scheduleId to the availability.linkedSchedules array.
  • If you want to remove the custom sessions, delete the resource's sessions of type "WORKING_HOURS". You do not have to delete exiting custom sessions. Custom session that are not deleted will continue to be included in availability calculations and can still be booked.


  • A resource can have one schedule only.
  • A resource can have both default business hours and custom hours in its schedule.
  • When updating a resource's schedule you cannot change the system tags used by the Wix Bookings app. Tags used by the app have the values "INDIVIDUAL""GROUP", and "COURSE”.
  • The businessLocation.businessSchedule object in the schedule.location object is not supported.

Permissions: This endpoint requires the Manage Bookings permission scope.


You can only call this method when authenticated as a Wix app or Wix user identity.

Manage Bookings - all permissions
Manage Bookings
Learn more about app permissions.

404Not Found

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Event TriggersThis method triggers the following events:
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