Apply Booking Fees To Order

Developer Preview

This API is subject to change. Bug fixes and new features will be released based on developer feedback throughout the preview period.

Applies booking fees to an eCommerce order.

The booking fees are added as a single additional fee to the eCommerce order. The order's additionalFee.lineItemIds array is set to the list of corresponding booking IDs. By default, the additionalFee.price.amount is the sum of all booking fee prices. But you may provide a priceOverride instead. The override price can't be higher than the sum of all booking fees.

Apply Booking Fees to Order also updates the prices of all affected line items in the relevant eCommerce order to zero. After a cancellation fee is applied to an eCommerce order, the cancellation fee's price.value is updated to 0.00 and its trigger is set to UNKNOWN_TRIGGER. You can retrieve the fee amount from the corresponding additionalFee object of the eCommerce order with Search Orders.

If you apply multiple booking fees to an eCommerce order, they either all fail or all succeed together. For example, the call fails if the booking fees are associated with different eCommmerce orders.


Body Params
bookingIdsArray <string>Requiredformat GUIDminItems 1maxItems 5

IDs of the bookings for which to apply booking fees to an eCommerce order.


Custome price override for the additional fee that's added to the eCommerce order. The override mustn't exceed the sum of all booking fees. You must have the OVERRIDE_BOOKING_FEE_PRICE permission to use this property.


Information about the message to the business and whether to send it if the booking fee application to the eCommerce order fails.

Response Object
bookingFeesArray <BookingFee>

Booking fees that were applied as a single additional fee to the eCommerce order.


Information about the eCommerce order to which the booking fees are applied.

curl -X POST \ '' \ -H 'Authorization: <AUTH>' \ -d '{ "bookingIds": [ "a717b687-aaa8-4e35-85ba-adbd88bbadd8", "ff04b4b3-b386-4db1-8990-60c5ec6f4229" ] }'
{ "bookingFees": [ { "id": "a717b687-aaa8-4e35-85ba-adbd88bbadd8", "bookingId": "a717b687-aaa8-4e35-85ba-adbd88bbadd8", "cancellationFee": { "price": { "value": "5.0", "currency": "USD" }, "status": "APPLIED_TO_ORDER", "trigger": "NOT_ATTENDED" }, "policyDetails": { "id": "295e2750-852f-4c52-9693-fc6c0d0c587b", "description": "This is our policy" } }, { "id": "ff04b4b3-b386-4db1-8990-60c5ec6f4229", "bookingId": "ff04b4b3-b386-4db1-8990-60c5ec6f4229", "cancellationFee": { "price": { "value": "5.0", "currency": "USD" }, "status": "APPLIED_TO_ORDER", "trigger": "NOT_ATTENDED" }, "policyDetails": { "id": "295e2750-852f-4c52-9693-fc6c0d0c587b", "description": "This is our policy" } } ], "ecomOrderInfo": { "orderId": "f8131b11-4a40-461e-939e-f67961ecf593", "additionalFeePrice": { "amount": "10.0", "formattedAmount": "$10.00" } } }
403Permission Denied

There is 1 error with this status code.

404Not Found

There are 2 errors with this status code.

409Already Exists

There is 1 error with this status code.

428Failed Precondition

There are 9 errors with this status code.


There are 2 errors with this status code.

This method may also return standard errors. Learn more about standard Wix errors.

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