Sample Flows and Use Cases

This article shares possible use cases your app could support, as well as example flows. You're certainly not limited to these use cases, but it can be a helpful jumping off point as you plan your app's implementation.

A/B Testing for Subject Lines and Call-to-Action (CTA) Buttons

Your app can help a Wix User run an A/B test on the subject of their new email campaign. For example, a marketing company wants to test different subject lines and CTA buttons to determine which performs better in terms of open rates and conversions. They use a robust, multi-phase A/B testing approach to fine-tune the effectiveness of their campaigns.

Note: This flow assumes you have already created and published an email marketing campaign with a couple variations of the subject line and CTA buttons.

  1. Call List Campaigns to retrieve the campaign IDs for both campaigns. Save the values for later use.
  2. Call List Statistics and pass the campaign IDs for each campaign. Track the open rates and click-through rates for each campaign variation.
  3. Based on the results from the A/B tests, call List Recipients by the CLICKED activity.
  4. Call Label Contact to label the best-performing recipients. Save these contacts for later use.
  5. Adjust the campaign content based on the most successful subject lines and CTAs. If certain combinations perform better, prioritize those for the next phase of the campaign.
  6. Call Publish Campaign to send the refined campaign to the selected audience.
  7. After the campaign goes live, continuously monitor results by calling List Statistics to evaluate whether the refined versions outperform the initial variations.
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