Reservation created timestamp in ISO UTC format.
Event ID.
Reservation ID. Can be used to retrieve a reservation invoice.
Reservation expiration timestamp.
Reservation status.
Reservation ticket quantities.
Reservation update timestamp.
Reservation counts.
The data payload will include the following as an encoded JWT:
"data": {
"eventType": "",
"instanceId": "<app-instance-id>",
"data": "<stringified-JSON>",
// The identity field is sent as a stringified JSON
"identity": {
"identityType": "<identityType>", // ANONYMOUS_VISITOR, MEMBER, WIX_USER, APP
"anonymousVisitorId": "<anonymousVisitorId>", // in case of ANONYMOUS_VISITOR
"memberId": "<memberId>", // in case of MEMBER
"wixUserId": "<wixUserId>", // in case of WIX_USER
"appId": "<appId>" // in case of APP
"timestamp": "2020-04-26T13:00:00.000Z",
"eventId": "46dc2337-d725-4f7e-a0ae-a94a9a1f0c0b",
"reservationId": "d72874cb-012a-4ad2-afbb-57fe8cf1e308",
"expires": "2020-04-26T13:20:00.000Z",