"Services" Collection Fields

To use the Services collection in code, refer to it as "Bookings/Services".


This document describes the properties and fields in your Services collection.


The Services collection has the following permissions:

  • Read: Anyone 
  • Create: None
  • Update: None
  • Delete: None

You cannot change the Services collection's permissions. 


Note: This app collection contains read-only fields that cannot be managed from the collection. You can update the fields from the relevant app in your site’s dashboard.

The field name is listed as the heading of each section, with the field ID listed in parentheses, like this: Name (name). The fields appear in this document in the order in which they appear in your collection by default.

ID (_id)

Description: The service ID that was created by the server. This is a system field and is hidden by default.
Type: Text
Can connect to data: Yes
Can use in dynamic page URL: No
Can be sorted: No
Can be filtered: No
Read-only: Yes

Service Name (serviceName)

Description: The name of the service.
Type: Text
Can connect to data: Yes
Can use in dynamic page URL: No
Can be sorted: No
Can be filtered: No
Read-only: Yes

Service Type (serviceType)

Description: The type of service offered (Appointment, Class, Course).
Type: Text
Can connect to data: Yes
Can use in dynamic page URL: No
Can be sorted: No
Can be filtered: No
Read-only: Yes

Service Image (imageURL)

Description: Displays the photo for this service as it appears in the Booking Manager.
Type: Image
Can connect to data: Yes
Can use in dynamic page URL: No
Can be sorted: No
Can be filtered: No
Read-only: Yes

Service Description (description)

Description: The service description.
Type: Text
Can connect to data: Yes
Can use in dynamic page URL: No
Can be sorted: No
Can be filtered: No
Read-only: Yes

Service Tagline (tagLine)

Description: The service tagline.
Type: Text
Can connect to data: Yes
Can use in dynamic page URL: No
Can be sorted: No
Can be filtered: No
Read-only: Yes

Slug (slug)

Description: The service's slug, which is its URL-friendly name that is unique across the site.
Type: Text
Can connect to data: Yes
Can use in dynamic page URL: Yes
Can be sorted: Yes
Can be filtered: Yes
Read-only: Yes

Service Page URL (servicePageURL)

Description: The link to the service's page on your site.
Type: URL
Can connect to data: Yes
Can use in dynamic page URL: No
Can be sorted: No
Can be filtered: No
Read-only: Yes

Booking Flow Entry URL (bookingFlowEntryURL)

Description: The link to the service's calendar page for appointments & classes, or to the service's page for courses.
Type: URL
Can connect to data: Yes
Can use in dynamic page URL: No
Can be sorted: No
Can be filtered: No
Read-only: Yes

Price Summary (priceSummary)

Description: The price summary, as follows:

  • For paid bookings, displays "Amount + Currency".
  • For free bookings, displays "Free" or any custom text specified.

Type: Text
Can connect to data: Yes
Can use in dynamic page URL: No
Can be sorted: No
Can be filtered: No
Read-only: Yes

Payment Type (paymentType)

Description: The payment method defined for this service.
Type: Text
Can connect to data: Yes
Can use in dynamic page URL: No
Can be sorted: No
Can be filtered: No
Read-only: Yes

Part of Pricing Plan (partOfPricingPlan)

Description: Indicates whether the service is associated with a pricing plan, such as a membership deal.
Type: Boolean
Can connect to data: Yes
Can use in dynamic page URL: No
Can be sorted: No
Can be filtered: No
Read-only: Yes

Price Amount (priceAmount)

Description: The cost of a single session of this service.
Type: Number
Can connect to data: Yes
Can use in dynamic page URL: No
Can be sorted: No
Can be filtered: No
Read-only: Yes

Deposit Amount (depositAmount)

Description: The deposit required to book this service, if any.
Type: Number
Can connect to data: Yes
Can use in dynamic page URL: No
Can be sorted: No
Can be filtered: No
Read-only: Yes

Currency (currency)

Description: The currency for this service.
Type: Text
Can connect to data: Yes
Can use in dynamic page URL: No
Can be sorted: No
Can be filtered: No
Read-only: Yes

Max Session Capacity (maxSessionCapacity)

Description: The maximum number of participants that can be booked for a single session of this service. For appointments, this value is always one.
Type: Number
Can connect to data: Yes
Can use in dynamic page URL: No
Can be sorted: No
Can be filtered: No
Read-only: Yes

Max Number Of Participants Per Reservation (maxNumberOfParticipantsPerReservation)

Description: The number of participants a single customer can sign up for one session of this service. For example, you can define that one customer can book up to 3 participants for a given session. For appointments, this value is always one.
Type: Number
Can connect to data: Yes
Can use in dynamic page URL: No
Can be sorted: No
Can be filtered: No
Read-only: Yes

Form Fields (form)

Description: List of additional values needed for booking a session of the service.
Type: Reference
Can connect to data: No
Can use in dynamic page URL: No
Can be sorted: No
Can be filtered: No
Read-only: Yes

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