Domain DNS Errors

This articles outlines error messages that might be issued when calling endpoints of the Domain DNS API.

Create DNS Zone Errors

Create DNS Zone might issue the following error messages:

HTTP status
Error code
Error message
NOT_FOUND (404)USER_ID_NOT_FOUNDUser id not found in request context.Make sure to pass the correct authorization header.
NOT_FOUND (404)TARGET_ACCOUNT_NOT_FOUNDTarget account id not found in request context.Make sure to pass the correct account ID in the header of the call.
NOT_FOUND (404)DNS_ZONE_NOT_FOUNDNo dns zone found for domain name <domainName>.You must pass a dnsZone object when setting up a DNS zone in Google's Cloud DNS.
FAILED_PRECONDITION (428)DOMAIN_NOT_PERMITTEDDomain <domain> is not permitted to target account.Make sure to pass the correct account ID in the header of the call. The target account must also have a Premium subscription that allows connecting a domain with the chosen TLD. See the Resellers API for more information.
FAILED_PRECONDITION (428)DOMAIN_ALREADY_EXISTSDomain <domain> already exists.You can create a DNS zone in Google's Cloud DNS that already exists.
FAILED_PRECONDITION (428)DOMAIN_DNS_EMPTY_RECORD_VALUEValue of record <recordType> is empty.You must pass values for each DNS record that you want to specify in Google's Cloud DNS.
FAILED_PRECONDITION (428)DOMAIN_MX_RECORD_VALUE_INVALIDValue of MX record <value> is invalid, it should start with a priority and then the mail server, for example "5".Make sure to use this format "5" when specifying the value of an MX record in Google's Cloud DNS.
FAILED_PRECONDITION (428)DOMAIN_CNAME_RECORD_HOSTNAME_INVALIDHost name of the CNAME record $value is invalid, it should end with the domain name but not equal to it, for example "".Make sure to use this format "" when specifying the value of a CNAME record in Google's Cloud DNS.
FAILED_PRECONDITION (428)DOMAIN_MX_RECORD_VALUE_INVALIDMultiple <recordType> records with the same hostName <hostName> not supported, the multiple values belong to the same hostName should be combined under one <recordType>.Make sure that you pass all DNS record values that belong to the same type in a single values array of the relevant records.type object. You can't pass multiple record objects with the same record type.

Update DNS Zone Errors

Update DNS Zone might issue the following error messages:

HTTP status
Error code
Error message
NOT_FOUND (404)USER_ID_NOT_FOUNDUser id not found in request context.Make sure to pass the correct authorization header.
NOT_FOUND (404)TARGET_ACCOUNT_NOT_FOUNDTarget account id not found in request context.Make sure to pass the correct account ID in the header of the call.
FAILED_PRECONDITION (428)DOMAIN_NOT_PERMITTEDDomain <domain> is not permitted to target account.Make sure to pass the correct account ID in the header of the call. The target account must also have a Premium subscription that allows connecting a domain with the chosen TLD. See the Resellers API for more information.
FAILED_PRECONDITION (428)DOMAIN_DNS_EMPTY_RECORD_VALUEValue of record <recordType> is empty.You must pass at least one value for each DNS record type that you want to specify in Google's Cloud DNS.
FAILED_PRECONDITION (428)DOMAIN_MX_RECORD_VALUE_INVALIDValue of MX record <value> is invalid, it should start with a priority and then the mail server, for example "5".Make sure to use this format: "5", when specifying the value of an MX record in Google's Cloud DNS.
FAILED_PRECONDITION (428)DOMAIN_CNAME_RECORD_HOSTNAME_INVALIDHost name of the CNAME record $value is invalid, it should end with the domain name but not equal to it, for example "".Make sure to use this format: "", when specifying the value of a CNAME record in Google's Cloud DNS.
FAILED_PRECONDITION (428)DOMAIN_MX_RECORD_VALUE_INVALIDMultiple <recordType> records with the same hostName <hostName> not supported, the multiple values belong to the same hostName should be combined under one <recordType>.Make sure that you pass all DNS record values that belong to the same DNS record type in the values array of the relevant record object. You can't pass multiple record objects that have the same record type.
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