About Tax Groups Service Plugin

The Tax Groups service plugin (formerly SPI) allows you to create and manage default tax groups to categorize products from your app's catalog based on distinct tax treatments. The tax groups you add with this API, by default, will apply to your app's products. Alternatively, you can create and manage tax groups with the Tax Groups API, and manually add tax groups to individual products with Update Product.

The integration is done via an app created in the Wix Dev Center with the Tax Groups service plugin.

Learn more about implementing a service plugin with Wix.

Use cases


  • Tax group: A group of products that share the same tax treatment. See the Tax Groups API.
  • Default tax group: A predefined tax group provided by an app and, by default, automatically assigned to products imported from that app's catalog.
  • Additional tax group: A custom tax group provided by an app that can be assigned to specific products in the app's catalog. These tax groups need to be assigned manually to products with Update Product or in the site's dashboard. Once the app is uninstalled, the tax group information will be deleted from the site. An additional tax group can be added as an object with id and name fields.
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