Calculate Additional Fees

Developer Preview

This API is subject to change. Bug fixes and new features will be released based on developer feedback throughout the preview period.

This method retrieves additional fees calculated by your app.

Wix calls this method when certain actions are performed on the cart or checkout. For example, when an item is added to the cart or the amount of an item is updated in the checkout.


  • Do not call the Estimate Cart Totals, Estimate Current Cart Totals or Get Checkout methods from your implementation code for Calculate Additional Fees. Doing so will result in an error.
  • The currency returned in the response object must match the site's currency or those fees will be filtered out and not returned.
Body Params
lineItemsArray <LineItem>maxItems 300

Line items to calculate additional fees for.

Max: 300 items


Shipping address.


Information about the buyer, such as contact details.

appliedDiscountsArray <AppliedDiscount>maxItems 100

Applied discounts.


Shipping information.

purchaseFlowIdstringformat GUID

Persistent ID that correlates between the various eCommerce elements: cart, checkout, and order.

Response Object
additionalFeesArray <AdditionalFee>maxItems 100

Additional fees calculated.

currencystringformat CURRENCY

Currency of additional fees calculated. In three-letter currency code ISO-4217 alphabetic format.

The currency returned in the response object must match the wix site's currency or those fees will be filtered out and not returned. Extract the currency from the request envelope to ensure the correct currency is used in your calculation.

Calculate additional fees - decoded JWT

The data payload will include the following object as an encoded JWT. For the purposes of this example, we show the request and response objects decoded.

curl -X POST \ -H 'user-agent: Wix' \ -H 'accept-encoding: gzip, deflate' \ -H 'content-type: text/plain; charset=utf-8' \ -d '{ "data": { "request": { "lineItems": [ { "physicalProperties": { "sku": "0043", "shippable": true }, "quantity": 1, "price": "16.00", "_id": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001", "productName": "Set of bowls", "catalogReference": { "catalogItemId": "27ef9a44-74a6-a0dd-3e40-50c7d196f890", "appId": "215238eb-22a5-4c36-9e7b-e7c08025e04e", "options": { "options": {}, "variantId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" } } } ], "shippingAddress": { "addressLine1": "123 Turnover Way", "city": "Boston", "subdivision": "US-MA", "country": "US", "postalCode": "02108" }, "buyerDetails": { "contactDetails": { "phone": "6175551905", "email": "" } }, "shippingInfo": { "selectedCarrierServiceOption": { "code": "5336e031-4421-fdb5-08fa-45b777dbc488", "title": "Standard shipping", "logistics": { "deliveryTime": "" }, "cost": { "price": "3" } } }, "ecomId": "41abc90a-c82d-4e33-bbea-7e3494bc6522" } } }
{ "additionalFees": [ { "code": "subscription-fee", "name": "Subscription Fee", "price": "5", "taxDetails": { "taxable": "true" } } ], "currency": "USD" }
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