Charge Membership

Developer Preview

This API is subject to change. Bug fixes and new features will be released based on developer feedback throughout the preview period.

This method requests that a membership be charged by your app.

Body Params
memberIdstringRequiredformat GUID

Member ID.

Do not retrieve this from the request context. In some cases the caller is not a member, but a user who is using the membership on behalf of a member.

membershipIdstringRequiredminLength 1maxLength 100

Membership ID, as returned from the List Eligible Memberships call.

idempotencyKeystringRequiredminLength 1maxLength 200

Idempotency key to avoid duplicate charge. The value will usually would be the same as membershipId + orderId + rootCatalogItemId.


Service properties.

When relevant, this contains information such as date and number of participants.


Catalog and item reference info.

rootCatalogItemIdstringminLength 1maxLength 36

Root catalog item ID.

The value will usually be the same as catalogReference.catalogItemId. In cases when these are not the same, this field will return the actual ID of the item in the catalog. For example, for Wix bookings, the value of catalogReference.catalogItemId is the booking ID, but rootCatalogItemId is set to the service ID.


Additional data about this charge.

Response Object
transactionIdstringminLength 1maxLength 100

The transaction ID for this charge.

Use this ID to void the charge.

Charge Membership
MembershipDoesNotApplyToItemobjectstatus code: 400
MembershipCannotBeChargedobjectstatus code: 428
MembershipAlreadyChargedobjectstatus code: 409
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