About the Tips Settings API

The Tips Settings API allows app developers to manage how Wix Tips calculates tips and distributes them among staff.

With the Tips Settings API, your app can:

  • Update a site's default tip settings.
  • Manage non-default tips settings.

See also:

Before you begin

It's important to note the following points before starting to code:

  • Ensure that the site owner has installed Wix Tips on their site.
  • You can't delete the default tip settings that Wix Tips automatically creates upon installation, but you can update them.
  • For each tipSettings object, you can configure up to 3 preset tip choices that Wix Tips displays to customers during the eCommerce checkout. Additionally, you can allow customers to manually enter a custom tip amount.

Sample Use Cases


  • Tip: Details the tip amount, how it’s distributed among staff, and the associated order’s line item subtotal. Refer to the Tips API for more information.
  • Tip distribution: How the total tip is allocated among eligible staff. You can split tips equally among staff or define proportional shares. The business receives the undistributed tip amount.
  • Tip settings: Allow you to customize how Wix Tips previews and calculates tips based on various factors; including business location, external payment terminal used for the eCommerce checkout, product or service being purchased or which site collaborator manages the payment process via the site's dashboard.
  • Staff: Team members receiving a portion of the tip. Currently, only Bookings staff members and site collaborators are eligible to receive tip distributions. Refer to the Tippable Staff API for more information.
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