Tip Settings Object

Tip settings define how tips are calculated and distributed among staff. When Wix Tips is installed, default settings are automatically created. You can't delete these default settings but you can update them. Creating additional settings allows business owners to customize tip screens for different payment terminals or set specific presets for various products or services.

idstringRead-onlyformat GUID

ID of the tip settings.


Tip type.

Supported values:

  • UNKNOWN_TIP_TYPE: There is no information about the tip type.
  • PERCENTAGE: The tip is calculated as a percentage of the subtotal for all related line items.
  • AMOUNT: The tip is a fixed amount.

presetsArray <Preset>minItems 1maxItems 3

Information about the tip choices that Wix Tips displays to customers during the eCommerce checkout.

Min: 1 preset Max: 3 presets


Whether customer are allowed to tip during the eCommerce checkout.

Default: true


Whether the business owners are given the option to add a tip during the payment collection flow in their dashboard.

Default: true


Whether customers can enter a custom tip amount. If set to false, customers can only select a tip value from the available presets and can't enter a custom amount.

Default: true


Whether business owners are allowed to edit tip distributions. If set to false, owners can't edit distributions after they were created.

Default: true


How the tip is distributed among staff.

Supported values: UNKNOWN_SPLIT_METHOD: There is no information about the staff distribution method. EQUAL: The tip is distributed equally among all staff. PROPORTIONAL: The tip is distributed proportionally among staff.

revisionintegerRead-onlyformat int64

Revision number, which increments by 1 each time tipSettings object is updated. To prevent conflicting changes, the current revision must be passed when updating tipSettings. Ignored when creating a tipSettings object.

createdDatestringRead-onlyformat date-time

Date and time the tip settings were created in YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ format.

updatedDatestringRead-onlyformat date-time

Date and time the tip settings were last updated YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ format.


Whether these are the default tip settings. Wix Tips automatically creates the default settings during the app's installation. You can't delete these default settings but you can update them. Wix Tips uses the default settings to calculate tips, unless you specify other settings.

appIdstringformat GUID

ID of the app that has created the settings. See the list of app IDs for Wix business solutions.


Custom field data for the tipSettings object. Extended fields must be configured in the app dashboard before they can be accessed with API calls.

One Of
Choose one of the following parameters

locationIdstringformat GUID

ID of the location for which the tip settings apply.

paymentTerminalIdstringmaxLength 30

ID of the payment terminal for which the tip settings apply. Wix Tips doesn't validate the ID you provide.

Max: 30 characters

userIdstringformat GUID

ID of the Wix user for whom the tip settings apply. For example, the site owner or a site collaborator.

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