
The Reservations API provides all the functionality required to create and manage restaurant table reservations.

The Reservations API contains the following APIs:

  • Reservation Locations - This API allows you to provide location information and configure reservation settings for individual restaurants. A reservation location represents a physical restaurant, and at least 1 must be configured before using endpoints in the other Reservations APIs.
  • Time Slots - This API allows you to retrieve availability information for time slots at a reservation location. A time slot represents the availability of a restaurant for a specific party size during a given window of time.
  • Reservations - This API allows you to create and manage reservations. A reservation object represents the reservation of 1 or more tables for a party of guests at a particular restaurant.

Before you begin

These APIs require that the site owner install the Wix Table Reservations app.

Use Cases

Reservation app for restaurants on a Wix site


  • Reservation: A set of tables and seats reserved for a party at a restaurant for a specific period of time.
  • Party: A group of guests that come to dine together at a restaurant.
  • Time slot: A period of time in a restaurant’s calendar.
  • Reservation location: A representation of a physical restaurant location at which reservations can be made.
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