Message Types

Messages can be sent as different types, allowing for the display to match the message payload. Your app can send messages as basic, template, minimal, or form type. You may see an additional system type in some responses. system type is reserved for internal use for sending messages.

This article gives a brief overview of each of the message types and how to structure the message object in your Send Message request.

Basic Messages

basic messages contain an array of text, image, or file. Array items are displayed in Inbox and the visitor's chat widget as if each item was a separate message.

This example contains an image followed by two text messages:


The above example produces this output:

InboxChat Widget

Form Messages

form messages present form data submitted by the participant. Form messages contain a title, an optional description, and an array of fields. Each field in the array has a name and submitted value property.

Form messages are typically sent with a direction of PARTICIPANT_TO_BUSINESS. To hide the message from the visitor, set visibility to BUSINESS.

This example contains 4 form fields and an image:


The above example is not displayed in the visitor's chat widget because visibility is set to BUSINESS. It produces this output in Inbox:


Minimal Messages

minimal messages contain a single line of text and an optional icon. They're useful for reporting an activity that took place. To hide the message from the visitor, set visibility to BUSINESS.

This example reports that the visitor made a spa appointment:


The above example is not displayed in the visitor's chat widget because visibility is set to BUSINESS. It produces this output in Inbox:


Template Messages

template messages use buttons to allow the visitor to perform actions. Buttons can be either ACTION or POSTBACK type. Action buttons open a specified url in the visitor's browser, and postback buttons pass a buttonPayload to the Button Interacted Webhook.

This example tells the visitor their spa appointment has been booked and offers two buttons. The first is an action button, and the second is a postback button:


The above example produces this output:

InboxChat Widget

System Messages

system messages convey system information from an integrated service such as Facebook or Instagram.

System messages cannot be sent by 3rd-party apps. However, your app may still need to consume system messages.

This example payload contains text and a "Learn More" link:


The above example produces this output:

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