Plan Object

Information about the pricing plan.

idstringRead-onlyformat GUID

Plan ID.

namestringminLength 1maxLength 50

Plan name.

descriptionstringmaxLength 450

Plan description.


List of text strings that promote what is included with this plan. For example, "Plenty of parking" or "Free gift on your birthday."


Plan price, payment schedule, and expiration.


Whether the plan is public (visible to site visitors and members).


Whether the plan is archived. Archived plans are not visible and can't be purchased anymore, but existing purchases remain in effect.


Whether the plan is marked as primary.


Whether the plan has any orders (including pending and unpaid orders).

createdDatestringRead-onlyformat date-time

Date plan was created.

updatedDatestringRead-onlyformat date-time

Date plan was last updated.

slugstringRead-onlyminLength 1format URL_SLUG

URL-friendly version of plan name. Unique across all plans in the same site.

maxPurchasesPerBuyerintegerminimum 0maximum 1format int32

Number of times the same buyer can purchase the plan. Currently limited to support:

  • Empty value or a value of 0, meaning no limitation.
  • Value of 1, meaning limited to 1 purchase per buyer.


Whether the buyer can start the plan at a later date. Defaults to false.


Whether the buyer is allowed to cancel their plan. Defaults to false. If false, calling Request Cancellation returns an error.

termsAndConditionsstringmaxLength 3000

Any terms and conditions that apply to the plan. This information is displayed during checkout.

formIdstringformat GUID

ID of the form associated with the plan at checkout.

Learn more about forms.

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