Estimates the current cart's price totals (including tax), based on a selected carrier service, shipping address, and billing information.
Selected shipping option.
Shipping address. Used for calculating tax and shipping (when applicable).
Billing address. Used for calculating tax if all the items in the cart are not shippable.
The selected membership payment options and which line items they apply to.
Whether to calculate tax in the calculation request.
Default: true
Whether to calculate shipping in the calculation request.
Default: true
Calculated line items.
Price summary.
Applied gift card.
Tax summary.
Shipping information.
Applied discounts.
Calculation errors.
Weight measurement unit - defaults to site's weight unit.
Currency used for pricing in this store.
Minimal amount to pay in order to place the order.
Remaining amount for the order to be fully paid.
Information about valid and invalid memberships, and which ones are selected for usage.
Additional fees
List of validation violations raised by the Validations service plugin.
This example estimates price totals with a specific billing address.
This method doesn’t return any custom errors, but may return standard errors. Learn more about standard Wix errors.