About the Site Actions API

The Site Actions API allows you to manage the sites owned by a Wix account.

With the Wix Site Actions API, your app can:

  • Delete site in bulk.
  • Publish sites.

About publishing sites

If a site was built with any Wix editor, after calling the publish API for the first time anyone will be able to view the site on the internet. Calling the Publish endpoint after the initial publish will make any latest changes made in the Wix editor go live. (Site admins have access to view all changes made to the site in Site History.)

Before you begin

It’s important to note the following before starting to code:

  • A maximum of 20 sites can be deleted each time the Bulk Delete Site endpoint is run.
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PostPublish Site

Developer Preview

This API is subject to change. Bug fixes and new features will be released based on developer feedback throughout the preview period.

Publishes a site.

Publishing a site makes any changes previously saved on the site available on the internet. After publishing, changes to your site appear in the site's history.

When you call this API, you must pass a header called wix-site-id whose value is the ID of the site you want to publish. Learn more about working with API keys and site IDs.

Important: This call requires an account level API key and cannot be authenticated with the standard authorization header.


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PostDuplicate Site

Developer Preview

This API is subject to change. Bug fixes and new features will be released based on developer feedback throughout the preview period.

Duplicates a site with a new site name.

Note: When you duplicate a site, some business-related content such as store orders, contacts, invoices, and 3rd-party app settings are not be included. The duplicated site won’t have a domain or any Premium capabilities.

Any installed apps that can be used only on sites with a Premium Plan, will be copied to the duplicated site and will appear unactivated. Once the site is upgraded, the app will be available for use.

Important: This call requires an account level API key and cannot be authenticated with the standard authorization header.


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PostBulk Delete Site

Developer Preview

This API is subject to change. Bug fixes and new features will be released based on developer feedback throughout the preview period.

This endpoint enables you to delete multiple sites.

This is not a permanent delete. Sites are moved to the trash bin and can be restored through site collaborators.

Learn more about deleting multiple sites.

Important: This call requires an account level API key and cannot be authenticated with the standard authorization header.


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