About the Wix Bookings Pricing API

With the Wix Bookings Pricing API, you can preview and calculate the price of a booking.

  • The Preview Price endpoint lets you retrieve information about how much a customer would have to pay for a booking's line items before the actual booking has been created.
  • The Calculate Price endpoint determines the base price of a booking.

The price of the booking can be fixed, free, or varied. With varied pricing, site owners can offer different prices for the same service based on their customers' choices.


For a comprehensive glossary of Wix Bookings terms, see Terminology.

Before you begin

  • You can only preview the price for line items belonging to the same service.
  • If using the Wix Bookings Pricing Integration SPI to use your own custom logic for varied pricing, the Preview Price endpoint is not supported and an error is issued.
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Price Info Object

bookingLineItemsArray <BookingLineItem>maxItems 10
List of line items, including the number of participants and the price per participant.

depositnumberformat double
Total deposit the customer must pay when booking the service. Available when: The service includes a deposit.


Calculated total price. Available only when the service's price has been set up as a numerical value in the schedule.rate.labeledPriceOptions object.

Description of the total price. Available only when the service's price has been set up as a text value in the schedule.rate.priceText property.
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PostPreview Price

Developer Preview

This API is subject to change. Bug fixes and new features will be released based on developer feedback throughout the preview period.

Previews the base price for a set of line items belonging to the same service, before a booking is actually created.

The returned price preview information about each line item's price and sums up each line item's price.

The previewed price is not the actual price that will be used to charge the customer. Preview Price only estimates the base price by adding up the price of each line item before the booking is actually created.

Use Calculate Price to get the base price after the booking is created.

Passing line items that belong to different services results in an error.

Calculating the previewed price

Wix Bookings has its own default pricing logic for previewing the price. You must pass the serviceId in the slot or schedule object to Preview Price.

You cannot call Preview Price if you have customized Bookings pricing logic using the Bookings Pricing Integration SPI. Calling Preview Price if custom pricing logic has been implemented for the site results in an error.

Permission Scopes

For app development, you must have one of the following permission scopes:
Read Bookings - Including Participants
Learn more about permission scopes.

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PostCalculate Price

Developer Preview

This API is subject to change. Bug fixes and new features will be released based on developer feedback throughout the preview period.

Calculates the base price of a booking.

You can call Calculate Price after a booking is created. The returned calculated price includes information about each line item's price and the booking's total price.

You can use Preview Price to get the base price before a booking is created.

The calculated price is the base price that will be used as a basis for charging the customer. During checkout, additional taxes and fees might be added to this base price.

Calculating the price

Wix Bookings has its own default pricing logic for calculating the price. When using Wix Bookings' default pricing logic, you must pass the serviceId in the slot or schedule object to Calculate Price.

Alternatively you can customize the pricing logic using the Bookings Pricing Integration SPI. If you integrate with a pricing provider, the customized pricing logic becomes the default logic. This means that, if the Pricing Integration SPI is implemented, when calling the API's Calculate Price endpoint, the SPI's Calculate Price endpoint is used instead.

Permission Scopes

For app development, you must have one of the following permission scopes:
Read Bookings - Including Participants
Learn more about permission scopes.

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