About Order Fulfillments

An order fulfillment refers to the process of preparing and delivering orders to customers. This process usually involves receiving orders, picking the products from inventory, packing them securely, providing tracking information, and shipping them to the customer's address.

A fulfillment object contains information about an order's shipping provider, tracking details, and the line items associated with the fulfillment.

With the Order Fulfillments API you can:

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Order Fulfillments: Sample Use Cases & Flows

This article shares a possible use case your app could support, as well as a sample flow that could support the use case. This can be a helpful jumping off point as you plan your app's implementation.

Create a fulfillment for a new order

You can use webhooks to listen for when an order is placed, and then create a fulfillment for the new order.

  1. Use the Order Approved Webhook to listen for incoming approved orders.

  2. When a new order comes in, save the order ID. This can be found as the value of the entityId or actionEvent.body.order.id fields in the Order Approved Webhook's payload.

  3. Pass the new order ID and the new fulfillment info to the Create Fulfillment endpoint. The response holds information about the newly created fulfillment and the ID of its associated order.

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Fulfillments Object

Create and manage eCommerce order fulfillments

orderIdstringminLength 1maxLength 100
Order ID.

fulfillmentsArray <Fulfillment>
Fulfillments associated with the order.
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GetList Fulfillments For Single Order

Developer Preview

This API is subject to change. Bug fixes and new features will be released based on developer feedback throughout the preview period.

Retrieves fulfillments associated with a specified order.

Permission Scopes

For app development, you must have one of the following permission scopes:
Manage Stores - all permissions
Read eCommerce - all read permissions
Read Orders
Read Stores - all read permissions
Manage eCommerce - all permissions
Manage Orders
Learn more about permission scopes.

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PostList Fulfillments For Multiple Orders

Developer Preview

This API is subject to change. Bug fixes and new features will be released based on developer feedback throughout the preview period.

Retrieves fulfillments associated with multiple specified orders.

Permission Scopes

For app development, you must have one of the following permission scopes:
Manage Stores - all permissions
Read eCommerce - all read permissions
Read Orders
Read Stores - all read permissions
Manage eCommerce - all permissions
Manage Orders
Learn more about permission scopes.

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PostCreate Fulfillment

Developer Preview

This API is subject to change. Bug fixes and new features will be released based on developer feedback throughout the preview period.

Creates an order fulfillment.

Permission Scopes

For app development, you must have one of the following permission scopes:
Manage Stores - all permissions
Manage eCommerce - all permissions
Manage Orders
Learn more about permission scopes.

Event TriggersThis method triggers the following events:
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PatchUpdate Fulfillment

Developer Preview

This API is subject to change. Bug fixes and new features will be released based on developer feedback throughout the preview period.

Updates a fulfillment's properties.

To update a field's value, include the new value in the fulfillment field in the body params. To remove a field's value, pass null.

Note: Updating line item IDs or fulfilled quantities is not allowed. To update line item IDs or quantities, delete the fulfillment and create it again.

Permission Scopes

For app development, you must have one of the following permission scopes:
Manage Stores - all permissions
Manage eCommerce - all permissions
Manage Orders
Learn more about permission scopes.

Event TriggersThis method triggers the following events:
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DeleteDelete Fulfillment

Developer Preview

This API is subject to change. Bug fixes and new features will be released based on developer feedback throughout the preview period.

Deletes an existing order fulfillment.

Permission Scopes

For app development, you must have one of the following permission scopes:
Manage Stores - all permissions
Manage eCommerce - all permissions
Manage Orders
Learn more about permission scopes.

Event TriggersThis method triggers the following events:
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PostBulk Create Fulfillments

Developer Preview

This API is subject to change. Bug fixes and new features will be released based on developer feedback throughout the preview period.

Creates multiple fulfillments for one or more orders.

Permission Scopes

For app development, you must have one of the following permission scopes:
Manage Stores - all permissions
Manage eCommerce - all permissions
Manage Orders
Learn more about permission scopes.

Event TriggersThis method triggers the following events:
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Order With Fulfillments Updated

Developer Preview

This API is subject to change. Bug fixes and new features will be released based on developer feedback throughout the preview period.

Triggered when one or more of an order's fulfillments are created, updated, or deleted.

The response contains the order's ID and details about all of its fulfillments following the change.

Permission Scopes

For app development, you must have one of the following permission scopes:
Manage Stores - all permissions
Read eCommerce - all read permissions
Read Orders
Read Stores - all read permissions
Manage eCommerce - all permissions
Manage Orders
Learn more about permission scopes.
Event BodyEvent Body Event data is received as a JSON Web Token (JWT). It may be delayed. Be sure to verify the data was sent by Wix.
Event Data
Unique event ID. Allows clients to ignore duplicate webhooks.

Fully qualified domain name of the entity associated with the event. Expected wix.ecom.v1.fulfillments.

Event name. Expected updated.

ID of the entity associated with the event.

eventTimestringformat date-time
Event timestamp.

Whether the event was triggered as a result of a privacy regulation application (for example, GDPR).

If present, indicates the action that triggered the event.

Event information.
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