Wix App Developers: Build a Feature App That Extends eCommerce Functionality

Many apps in the Wix App market enhance the eCommerce functionality of sites that already integrate with the Wix eCommerce platform.

If you are creating such an app, your app should require that Wix users first install a business solution app that integrates the Wix eCommerce platform, such as Wix Bookings or Wix Stores.

To prevent your app from being installed on sites that don't have an eCommerce business solution app already installed, follow these steps:

  1. Go to your app's dashboard.
  2. In the left sidebar, click Market Listing.
  3. In the sidebar submenu, click App Audience.
  4. Under Required Wix Products, select Yes, additional products are required.
  5. In the Choose products list, select the required business solution apps, such as Wix Stores, Wix Bookings, and Wix Restaurants Orders. If you select more than one app, your app will require at least one of the selected apps.
  6. Click Save.

To check whether a business solution app is installed on a site, you can also use the Get App Instance API. The response object contains a list of installed Wix Apps in site.installedWixApps.

To learn more about developing a Wix app that extends eCommerce functionality, read about integrating with Wix's business solutions.

If you are new to developing apps for installation on Wix sites, learn more about the app-building journey, or get started from one of our growing selection of app templates.

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