About the Form Submission Service Plugin

As a provider of form submission service plugin (formerly SPI), you can integrate your service with Wix's forms to allow site owners to request and use your services on their Wix sites. By integrating your service with Wix, the service validates and submits site visitor's form.

The integration is done via an app in the Wix App Market (created in the Wix Developers Center) and the Form Submission service plugin.

Learn more about implementing a service plugin with Wix.

Before you begin

  • The Form Submission service plugin only works with the Wix Forms app. Call GetAppInstance to confirm that the app named wix_forms is installed on the site.
  • There are several apps that use forms. To validate form submission for a specific Wix app, configure your app in the Developers Center for that Wix app by defining the relevant namespace field in the extension. For example, the namespace for the Wix Forms app is "wix.form_app.form".

Use cases

Using the service plugin, you can design your app to validate a form after a site visitor submits it, including:

  • Field validations: Check if the email address is in the correct format or that the name contains only alphabetic characters.
  • Prevent submission of invalid data: Disable the submit button until all fields are correctly filled out.
  • Real-time feedback: Highlight the invalid fields.
  • Prevent duplicate submissions: Check for duplicate submissions based on certain criteria and prevent site visitors from submitting the same form multiple times.


To enable Wix to communicate with your app:

  1. Go to the Extensions tab in the Wix Developers Center.
  2. Click Create Extension in the top right corner.
  3. Filter by Wix Forms in the left menu. Then find Form Submission and click Create.
  4. Provide the following configuration:
deploymentUristringRequired. URI which Wix Forms calls to retrieve the validation. The URI consists of base URI and endpoint path.
For example, "deploymentUri": "https://my-validations.com/v4/validateSubmission" where https://my-validations.com/ is a base and v4/validateSubmission is the endpoint path.
namespaceConfigsArray of objectsA collection of Wix apps.
namespaceConfigs.namespacestringThe app which the form submissions belong to:
  • Wix Forms: wix.form_app.form
  • Wix Pricing Plans: wix.pricing_plans.v1.custom_form
  • Wix Online Programs: wix.achievements.quizzes.v1.quiz
namespaceConfigs.submissionValidationEnabledbooleanWhether to enable the submission validation in your app.


SubmissionData received when a site visitor submits a form.
ValidationProcess that makes sure the information that the site visitor put into a form is correct and meets certain rules.
FormOnline interface that allows site visitors to input and submit data.
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