Translation Schema API: Errors

This table outlines errors that might be issued when calling the Translation Schema API. The list includes error codes, messages, and troubleshooting guidance to help you resolve these issues.

BAD_REQUEST (400)SchemaRevisionMissingExceptionThe schema entity in the Create or Update methods violates validation rules, such as missing a revision value when calling the Update method. Ensure all properties are valid.
BAD_REQUEST (400)SchemaFieldIdsWithProhibitedCharactersExceptionField IDs contain invalid characters. Field ID must contain only a-zA-Z0-9_-)(). Remove the invalid characters.
BAD_REQUEST (400)SchemaFieldIdsWithInvalidBracketsOrderExceptionField ID can't contain nested parentheses. Ensure field IDs don't include nested parentheses.
BAD_REQUEST (400)SchemaFieldWithInvalidFormatExceptionInvalid field value format. Update the field value to match the required format.
BAD_REQUEST (400)SchemaFieldMinLengthGreaterEqualToMaxLengthExceptionThe field's minimum length is greater than or equal to its maximum length. minLength must be smaller than maxLength. Ensure the field's minimum length is smaller than its maximum length.
BAD_REQUEST (400)SchemaFieldUnknownTypeExceptionUnknown or undefined field type. Provide a valid field type.
BAD_REQUEST (400)SchemaPreviewFieldNonExistentIdExceptionThe preview field doesn't match any field in the schema. Ensure all preview fields reference existing field IDs in the schema.
BAD_REQUEST (400)SchemaPreviewFieldTypeMismatchExceptionInvalid preview field type. Ensure it matches one of the allowed types for this field.
NOT_FOUND (404)EntityNotFoundRuntimeExceptionSchema not found. Verify that the schema ID is correct, and that the schema exists in the system.
PERMISSION_DENIED (403)InsufficientPermissionsExceptionInsufficient permissions to perform the action. Ensure your app has the necessary permissions for the requested operation.
INTERNAL (500)InvalidIdGeneratedExceptionThe system failed to generate a unique ID for the new schema. Retry the operation.

General Troubleshooting

If you encounter any of these errors:

  1. Check that all required fields are present and correctly formatted in your schema definition.
  2. Ensure that field IDs, types, and formats comply with the specified validations.
  3. Verify that you have the necessary permissions for the requested operation.
  4. If the error persists, contact support with the specific error message and details of your operation.
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